Milan Weather

Weather in Milan
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Milan has a humid subtropical climate, with winter usually damp and cold with temperatures ranging from zero to 8ºC (particularly during December and January), while the summers are warm and can be very humid at times. Average temperatures are -4/+6ºC in January and +15/+28ºC in July.
The hours of sunshine in Milan are in line with the Mediterranean average, but in autumn and winter the weather can be quite foggy: especially in the Po River valley.
The average monthly rainfall in Milan can vary considerably with with autumn definitely being the wettest season when it might rain for several days without a break. In late spring the average rainfall level often increases due to heavy storms.

One of the best ways of exploring Milan and seeing unspoilt tourist free areas off the beaten track is to hire a car. If you are in Italy during the hot and humid summer months then you should certainly consider hiring a vehicle with air conditioning.